2. Infrastructure
What is needed?
Last updated
What is needed?
Last updated
Below is the initial infrastructure needed in order to receive the hemp license.
It is evident from the photos below that there is still much more room to grow.
The area is 50m x 100m, allocated for the hemp license area.
The exact details of the infrastructure needed follows:
A minimum of 1.8m non-scalable fencing is required in order to obtain a license.
According to the website below it will cost around $5000 dollars for:
300 meters (1 hectare) 18 line fencing
Energizer Kit
More greenhouses can be added later. However, it is important to start with at least 2 to maximize the amount of plants in relation to other project costs.
Quantity: 210 plants per greenhouse
Size: 10m x 30m x 4m
Cost: $12 000
Total: $24 000
A link to the greenhouse supplier follows: https://bit.ly/3M7JZVi
Although the tunnel cost $5 000; the installation, pots, soil, clones, fans, etc.; increases the cost to $12 000.
It is recommended to build a 5m x 5m (25 square meters) building.
Average building cost is 300$ / square meter.
A commercial grade dehumidifier cost $2000. https://bit.ly/3yflKik
Total = ($300 x 25) + $2000 = $9500.
A pickup truck can be bought for $15k.
This will be done in the business name, and stay in the possession of the business.
If sold, funds will be allocated back to the project.
South Africa has the worst electricity provider in the world.
It would be best to go off-grid from the start.
There won't be many things to power, but they will be quite powerful:
3x 1000W Fans
10 x 100W Fans
1 x 700W dehumidifier
Led grow lights to keep the plants in vegetative state
This will require:
5kVA inverter
20 x 550W solar panels
6x 100ah Batteries
Total = $15 000.
This would be 100% off grid. And be able to run for 2 days in overcast weather.